Traccar client - Invalid server url message error : enter an url like http:// ...

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Why is it wrong?

oyhan4 years ago

Because it doesn't work and can't send data.
On the other hand whether it is using http protocol to connect to server?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It does use HTTP protocol, of course. That's why there's a URL.

oyhan4 years ago

Let me change the question.
Look I've exposed traccar server with an Ip and a port as I explained before.
How should I set the URL in the client android app to work and data could be sent. like the GPS device is working.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Exactly the way you shown earlier.

oyhan4 years ago

Then whats the problem it can't connect?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Well, that's something you need to investigate. We have troubleshooting guides specifically for that.

joseph straus4 years ago

You have probably used wrong port.
Try http://youripaddress:5055
If it doesn’t send data check your firewall rules on your traccar server

oyhan4 years ago

As I said earlier ip and port is working with my gps tracker device.No problem with the network connection from the other side.

joseph straus3 years ago

That’s good if you were able to send data to the server with your Gps Tracker. But for using traccar client as a tracker (using your android phone) you need to use 5055 as port.
So again try http://youripaddress:5055 on traccar client Android

oyhan3 years ago

Thank you Joseph for your follow up
But there was a ridiculous mistake from me.I was shamed to say
I didn't defined the device with the identifier at the servers.
Although the message "send faild" made me mistake that there is a connection problem.