TK106 and not saving data

jkmazur8 years ago

Hi, i have TK106 tracker, and iOS client app on iPhone, Data from iPhone saved with success into database, but data from tracker are not saved besides memory. When i select devices in SQL i see:

| id | name   | uniqueid        | status  | lastupdate          | positionid | groupid |
|  2 | iPhone | 4****0          | unknown | 2016-05-23 20:59:03 |        604 |       1 |
|  4 | cb6    | 868**********24 | online  | 2016-05-30 23:15:19 |       NULL |       1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

positionId is always NULL but i see all the information needed in web. There is sth I'm missing in configuration? as a unique Id i put imei from the tracker and it's refreshing every 1 minute. I see live update but no history. How to save history in mySQL?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Have you check server log? Do you see any data from your device there? Possibly it just doesn't send any GPS data.