No frontend after installation

Mik4 years ago

Hi there, I've just installed traccar on Ubuntu server 21.04 following the guide "Install Traccar on DigitalOcean VPS".
The service is up and running (its status is acvite) but when I try to open the frontend page I cannot see the application and I receive the error "Connection refused".
Is it just a networking problem or have i to install some apache-ish webserver?

Thank you

Mik4 years ago

EDIT: I see that Traccar includes Jetty webserver but if I try to check if this service is running I cannot see any output

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It's embedded in Traccar. You won't see it as a separate service.

A couple things to check:

  1. Check if Traccar service is running
  2. Check if the port is open locally (e.g. with netstat)
  3. Check if the port is visible from outside

how to open the port?

Mik4 years ago

Ok Anton, thank you so much! It was just a networking problem

mateusfreitas7604 years ago

I am facing the same problem!
what was the solution for you Mik?

Mik4 years ago

@mateusfreitas760 just open the port 8082 on the firewall