cj720 C11 C13

Hello, my c13 does not cut fuel, does yours have this problem too?

Zaqking4 years ago

Not sure working or not..i just connect red and black wire to power supply..green and blue not connected.. I need my device only for tracking.. Not so confident to allow this cheap device to cut fuel.

I really don't think I should entrust this service to this equipment ... Thank you!

mamox4 years ago

cara sms cutoff

@mamox não funciona, deve ser defeito no meu mesmo...

Daniel D. 4 years ago

To set APN, you need to use command: STAP:apnname,,
(Add 2 commas after APN name). The full command is STAP:apn,user,password - if user and password needs to be blank, we still have to add the commas. After that, you can read the apn with command RDAP or RDST

Daniel D. 4 years ago

Anyone know how to get GPS position from SMS command?

Daniel D. 4 years ago

Also, found this website, with a lot of commands for the C13 tracker: https://www.my-gps.org/gps-tracker/anleitung/448-c13-relais-gps-tracker-anleitung

tracgala4 years ago

The GPRS communication protocol for this relay can be found here, maybe someone can add it to traccar.


Henrique4 years ago

My C13 Sony work um the Port 5010, what the correct Port ?

Carlos Girão4 years ago

Im building a new solution with C13 and I coud not insert APN... always without success (and I try alot of things).
So I search for a shortcut... I use the default configurations to send information to www.360gps.net and then i use their API to connect and get information about my device. The information received comes in json.. There is no information about their API but u can see the calls made in the website.
First comes the login..

Method: POST
Url: http://www.360gps.net/api/signin
Body (json):  {
                           "password": "123456",
                           "userName": "#######",
                           "userType": 2

the response may be like this:

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "操作成功",
    "retobj": {
        "authToken": "##################################################################",
        "signInResult": {
            "id": ######,
            "userName": "######",
            "password": "######",
            "phone": null,
            "imei": null,
            "userType": 0

The important to get from that json is token...
then with that u can send for example request device information..

Method: GET
Url: http://www.360gps.net/api/device/getDeviceInfo?lang=en&imei=######
          Key: "Authorization"         Value: "Bearer ###########"    (#### means the token that we get in login)

the response may be like this:

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "操作成功",
    "retobj": {
        "imei": "######",
        "encryted_imei": "######",
        "activeTime": "1611107730",
        "password": "123456",
        "status": "1",
        "statusTime": "1628882191",
        "signalTime": "1628882191",
        "iccid": "######",
        "imsi": "######",
        "id": "######",
        "speed": "0",
        "direct": "43",
        "signals": "71",
        "lon": "######",
        "lat": "######",
        "locTime": "1628879590",
        "locType": "1",
        "power": "1",
        "alarms": "",
        "satellite": "0",
        "electricity": "100",
        "ACC": "0",
        "fortify": "1",
        "gsm": "",
        "outsideVoltage": "-1",
        "districtCode": "undefined",
        "provinceCodeUpdateTime": "1628842382",
        "stopSaveTime": "1628882191",
        "stopFlag": "1",
        "stopLon": "######",
        "stopLat": "######",
        "stopLocType": "1",
        "stopStartTime": "######",
        "stopEndTime": "######",
        "stopPeriod": "3803",
        "stopLocId": "######",
        "wifi": "",
        "outsidePower": "1",
        "map": "2",
        "addressState": "00",
        "voltage": "1"

I hope I helped even though it was a little off topic

tiktok4 years ago

Hi Carlos Girão. Can you please post the whole php script to get the json in that way?

RM TUTANEZ4 years ago

I check the wire green and blue and it has no continuity. How to fix this? I ordered 3 pieces but for now it is useless.

tracgala4 years ago

It's a solid state relay, there is no continuity unless the relay is powered.

RM TUTANEZ4 years ago

@tracgala yes, the black and red wire are connected in power supply.