Traccar client support ODB II ELM327 adapter

Augusto Lisboa4 years ago

Hi everyone.

Is in traccar official client team "radar" to include support for ODB II ELM327 on the android app?
There is a side-client on play store that claims to do that, so, "it's doable", that should be awesome, and will "solve the pain" for a lot of people that post everywhere "eager for" that feature.

FYI, there's the link for that client: Play store link

FYI(2), thanks for the awesome work for everyone involved on the project

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Why not use an existing solution if there's one? We would love to include it, but just don't have resources to do everything we want.

Augusto Lisboa4 years ago

tks for the reply @Anton Tananaev, in fact i'm already using that, it's a paid app, but that app don't "hide" like yours... in matter of fact i will try convince the creator to include that features, thanks a lot

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Hiding the app is actually not working anymore on newer versions of Android. Google disabled that option.

Augusto Lisboa4 years ago

Hmmm, I didn't notice that, thanks for the information