Device status colors in the modern UI interface

Hieu Nguyen4 years ago

Hello Anton and everyone, I'm finding a way to apply the device status colors from the old Traccar to the modern UI.

I try to declare the getDeviceColor function in the formatter.js file, then implement that function in the DevicesList.js file. However, the terminal replied that "'Traccar' is not defined no-undef" due to this block. How could I "define" Traccar in the modern directory? Thank you very much.

export const getDeviceColor = (device) => {
  switch (device.get('status')) {
    case 'online':
      return Traccar.Style.mapColorOnline;
    case 'offline':
      return Traccar.Style.mapColorOffline;
      return Traccar.Style.mapColorUnknown;
Hieu Nguyen4 years ago

Never mind, I figured it out. If anyone wants to do it, please comment here.

Hello there!! Please post your solution here sir so we can catch up. Thank you!

Hieu Nguyen4 years ago

Hi Marko, I wrote a function in the DevicesLists.js:

const renderColor = (device) => {
    if (device.status == 'online') {
        return '#4CAF50';
    if (device.status == 'offline') {
        return '#CC2222';
    if (device.status == 'unknown') {
        return '#F3A813';

Then I added the function in the Avatar tag

<Avatar style={{
    background: renderColor(item)

That would help you display the device status colors on your devices list.