Apply ui modification

Skesis3 years ago

Hello everyone, i'm currently trying to modify traccar web app design css, add html and modify button. But my issue is, that any of my changes are applied. How can i fix this issue ? Thanks a lot.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You mean not applied? Are you clearing browser cache?

Skesis3 years ago

It's not a cache problem, for instance i modified the background-color in the app.css file. I use the script to generate the app.min.js and i reload my apache server but nothing is chainging.

hairydog3 years ago

What is showing in the browser's inspector?

Skesis3 years ago

It's telling me this

filter_content.js:154 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
    at FilterContent.initialize_ (filter_content.js:154)
    at filter_content.js:21
hairydog3 years ago

That's in the Console. What is in the Elements tab?

Skesis3 years ago

In the console.

hairydog3 years ago

Yes, in the console you saw that. But that is useless, irrelevant information.
You want to know why your styles are not being applied to specific elements, so you need to look in the elements tab.
If you look in the wrong place, you will not find what you seek.

hairydog3 years ago

I asked you a question. You didn't answer the question. Without that answer, not only am I unable to help, but I also suspect no-one can help.