Hex entry not complete

chrise3 years ago

I am running a raspberry pi server and a chinese tracker ho2 protocol port 5013. I verified the protocol etc using your recommended method. The tracker has been working for over two years and on the original chinese server gave positions and routes without issue, that server is now gone. I am not always getting a complete route so checked the track-server log and have found that some of the the "Hex" messages are not long enough and give a decode error on your hex decoder and for that reason not producing a good track. An SMS gives the correct position every time I poll the tracker so it is generating the correct fix.
Could you suggest how I might fix this.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

H02 protocol has a combination of text and binary messages. Binary are shorter and you won't be able to decode them into text. That's absolutely expected.

chrise3 years ago

In the the log for a good fix i get

2021-05-26 11:46:32  INFO: [06c44f54: h02 <] HEX: 2a48512c393137303338353235392c56352c3130343633302c412c353231362e313831302c4e2c30303031312e343737302c452c3030302e30302c3030302c3236303532312c46464646423946462c3233342c31302c32313538312c32313132392c313035303131383023
2021-05-26 11:46:32  INFO: [06c44f54] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 11:46:30, lat: 52.26968, lon: 0.19128, course: 0.0

For an incomplete fix I get

2021-05-26 11:52:15  INFO: [0b80d8a4: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852591052102605215216181006000114770e000000ffffb9ff00a03c3c0000000000ea0a544d528901
2021-05-26 11:52:15  INFO: [0b80d8a4] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 11:52:10, lat: 52.26968, lon: 0.19128, course: 0.0

so is it a shortcoming of the tracker?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What shortcoming are you talking about?

chrise3 years ago

its an expression in english meaning" is it something that the tracker should do but does not?"
in this specific case why should the hex messages be of different lengths, should it always be the same length?
the first example above has a long hex message, the second one is much shorter

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I know what the word shortcoming means. I don't understand why you think different HEX is a shortcoming. Is something not working?

chrise3 years ago

I rode a route this morning and for the first 25 minutes there is nothing shown on the map when I try to see the track, the track then starts to appear. I sms the tracker at about 15 minutes and it gave me the correct position. I looked in the log and the hex messages are not always what I assume to be the "full size". Is this an issue with the tracker or something else. See in this sample

2021-05-26 10:58:19  WARN: No SMTP configuration found
2021-05-26 10:58:22  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958192605215214448506000144089c000000ffff9fff00a00f2e0000000000ea0a54517913e6
2021-05-26 10:58:22  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:19, lat: 52.24081, lon: 0.24015, course: 0.0
2021-05-26 10:58:26  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958222605215214459806000144178e008035ffff9fff00a00f2e0000000000ea0a5451791302
2021-05-26 10:58:26  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:22, lat: 52.24100, lon: 0.24030, speed: 8.0, course: 35.0
2021-05-26 10:58:31  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958232605215214462406000144224e009043ffff9fff00a00f2e0000000000ea0a5451791303
2021-05-26 10:58:31  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:23, lat: 52.24104, lon: 0.24037, speed: 9.0, course: 43.0
2021-05-26 10:58:39  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958372605215214497406000145086e019061ffff9fff00a00f2e0000000000ea0a5451791306
2021-05-26 10:58:39  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:37, lat: 52.24162, lon: 0.24181, speed: 19.0, course: 61.0
2021-05-26 10:58:42  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958392605215214500806000145209e016060ffff9fff00a00f2e0000000000ea0a54517913e7
2021-05-26 10:58:42  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:39, lat: 52.24168, lon: 0.24202, speed: 16.0, course: 60.0
2021-05-26 10:58:54  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958532605215214528306000146081e013054ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791307
2021-05-26 10:58:54  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:53, lat: 52.24214, lon: 0.24347, speed: 13.0, course: 54.0
2021-05-26 10:58:58  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958542605215214527506000146090e011051ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791308
2021-05-26 10:58:58  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:54, lat: 52.24213, lon: 0.24348, speed: 11.0, course: 51.0
2021-05-26 10:59:02  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590958592605215214527506000146090e008052ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a54517913e8
2021-05-26 10:59:02  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:58:59, lat: 52.24213, lon: 0.24348, speed: 8.0, course: 52.0
2021-05-26 10:59:08  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959012605215214523806000146261e006072ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791309
2021-05-26 10:59:08  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:01, lat: 52.24206, lon: 0.24377, speed: 6.0, course: 72.0
2021-05-26 10:59:10  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959022605215214520106000146285e007090ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a545179130a
2021-05-26 10:59:10  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:02, lat: 52.24200, lon: 0.24381, speed: 7.0, course: 90.0
2021-05-26 10:59:14  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959072605215214508106000146482e010113ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a545179130c
2021-05-26 10:59:15  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:07, lat: 52.24180, lon: 0.24414, speed: 10.0, course: 113.0
2021-05-26 10:59:17  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959082605215214504006000146533e011116ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a545179130d
2021-05-26 10:59:17  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:08, lat: 52.24173, lon: 0.24422, speed: 11.0, course: 116.0
2021-05-26 10:59:22  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959112605215214488806000146678e013125ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791310
2021-05-26 10:59:22  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:11, lat: 52.24148, lon: 0.24446, speed: 13.0, course: 125.0
2021-05-26 10:59:25  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959122605215214483606000146721e013128ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791311
2021-05-26 10:59:25  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:12, lat: 52.24139, lon: 0.24454, speed: 13.0, course: 128.0
2021-05-26 10:59:32  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959162605215214462406000146907e015139ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791314
2021-05-26 10:59:32  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:16, lat: 52.24104, lon: 0.24485, speed: 15.0, course: 139.0
2021-05-26 10:59:33  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959192605215214445506000147036e017145ffff9fff00a00ffb0000000000ea0a5451791316
2021-05-26 10:59:33  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:19, lat: 52.24076, lon: 0.24506, speed: 17.0, course: 145.0
2021-05-26 10:59:38  INFO: [8806c1c1: h02 <] HEX: 2491703852590959192605215214445506000147036e017145ffff9fff00a010d10000000000ea0a54517913e9
2021-05-26 10:59:38  INFO: [8806c1c1] id: 9170385259, time: 2021-05-26 10:59:19, lat: 52.24076, lon: 0.24506, speed: 17.0, course: 145.0

Please understand if we where all as clever as you in this field we would probably write our own systems but we are not. You seem to treat most people who asks questions on this website with total disdain and it may be just your delivery but it comes across that you wish we would all go away. Potential customers may be put off by this approach.