Remove password Queclink GL300

Vollie4 years ago

Hi guys, I have a little problem with the Queclink gl300. I try to set it up with the latest manage tool version R2.2, unfortunately I get a timeout message every time the com connection fails. I have this problem with 2 devices. all other gl300 devices that I have are fine I installed it without any problems. I have also tried to do an upgrade with an upgrade tool version 2.31 and 2.36 also this does not work I keep getting a flash error code as follow: FAIL, COM: 3, FlashToolError: 2006, S_BROM_CMD_STARTCMD_TIMEOUT.

I also tried upgrade tool 2.41 but it ask me everytime a password, I didnt have any password.

Can anyone tell me what I'am doing wrong here? Please experts help me, I have 3 devices now they dont connect to the manage tool.

Tracker20094 years ago

You can't override the passcode any longer.It is impossible as I wrote in a previous blog . They Queclink, have password protected the devices from the factory all the tools are now obsolete, making your trackers bought on Amazon and eBay paperweights

Vollie4 years ago

Hi tracker2009,

I mean the manage tool version 2.41 ask me a password not the device it self. For the device I connot connect it to the COM because a timeout issue, I dont know why it gets timeout. I want to make sure to set it up with protocol and firmware on the device.

Any help?

Tracker20094 years ago

The tool has nothing to do with the device password..What version tool are you using. Trust me I've been doing this a long time!

Vollie4 years ago

Hello Tracker 2009,

Thanks for your fast reply,

It concerns the firmware upgrade tool 2.41 which is protected with a code in the folder not the device. Apparently a firmware and protocol version has to be installed on it, but I don't know how. Do you know it? Or do you have some other suggestion or version that I can install that with?

The device gives we a timeout error I cant read anything from the device. Iam using manage tool 1.6 + R2.1 and R2.2 it didnt worked with this versions. Hope you have a solution for it

John Williams4 years ago

Re: The device gives me a timeout error.

The GL300 now has an option to turn off the comms port, as well as set a password.

You will not read anything from a GL300 under such conditions.

Vollie4 years ago

What does this mean in short? Can I never use these devices that give this kind of notification again? Or is there another way to find a solution?

John Williams4 years ago

In short, this means:-

You can not buy and unlock a highly subsidised, locked, device (retail cost, say, £39) from somebody whose business is providing a tracking service.

You can buy and use an unlocked GL300 from somebody like (cost: about £120 retail). I have a number of them. All work perfectly.

Tracker20094 years ago

The device is locked and nothing can be done with it. Where did you get the device and what company was attached to it?

Sean macon 4 years ago

UPDATE to Tracker2009 & all with locked GL3000 - I can Confirm that I got a work-around that works with ALL - units bought from above company only few weeks Back were again LOCKED could not flash firmware, have now flashed 9 units all bought this year - all working

Tracker20094 years ago

What the secret ... I have some locked units about 15

Ryan Cee4 years ago

I’m curious too I’ve got one GL 300 but I don’t know the password for it.

Sean macon 4 years ago

ok - open tracker, remove battery, open firmware tool, load firmware, press start, connect usb cable to tracker, then push battery in, will start to flash with new firmware, bypass the lock, as seems to disable the comport, stopping flash, this way seems to work with all, Let me Know how you get on

PS, forgot, I used old version of firmware - as would not work with the above, with latest, once you have firmware in and working, just upgrade firmware again

Ryan Cee4 years ago

Sean, when you say old version of firmware, how old are you rolling back to?


Tracker20094 years ago

I would use the one that ends in V01