server fails to start

bristol4063 years ago

I'm trying to set up email notification but when I add these lines to traccar.xml the server fails to start. Can anyone help please ?

    <entry key=''></entry>
    <entry key='mail.smtp.port'>587</entry>
    <entry key='mail.smtp.starttls.enable'>true</entry>
    <entry key='mail.smtp.from'></entry>
    <entry key='mail.smtp.auth'>true</entry>
    <entry key='mail.smtp.username'></entry>
    <entry key='mail.smtp.password'>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

The most common cause is invalid XML format in your config file.

bristol4063 years ago

Okay, thanks Anton. I copied and pasted the example from the notifications document and edited in my own credentials. I will check for syntax errors.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Remember that some characters need to be escaped in XML. For example, if you have some special characters in the password, you have to escape those.

bristol4063 years ago

Yes, you are correct. I had a & in my password field.
Many thanks,
