Android Push notifications

Claudio Carrasco5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I can't get push notifications to work on custom traccar manager app (android), I would really appreciate if someone could help me.

-I set the <entry key='notificator.firebase.key'>MY_FIREBASE_KEY</entry>. This Key I found in cloud messaging settings (Firebase). I restart traccar service.
-In the application, I import google-services.jason file to the "app" folder, then I add firebase SDK to the project andand I synchronized grandle files.
-I build a regularRelease apk, and I installed on my phone, send a notification test but it doesn't works. There is no notification token in the user attributes.

What I'm doing wrong?


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Why are you building regular flavor? There's Google flavor specifically for firebase integration.

Claudio Carrasco5 years ago

You're the best Anton!

Andre4 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I am running my own instance of traccar server running and have successfully got my traccar Manager compiled and running with firebase notification working. My traccar manager sends notifications on API>=25 on the app and also when closed however on API <=25 I am only able to get notifications while on the app, If the phone is closed or not on the app notifications only appear in tray without sound.

Any Idea what I am doing wrong?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

That sounds like expected behavior. What do you expect to happen?

GPS14 years ago

I have installed Traccar Manager on Huawei phone via AppGallery because this phone dont have acces to google services to have access via playstore .
Notifications is not working , i think that the version of the Traccar Manager present on AppGallery is too old .

I have Traccar Manager installed on the other phone via google play store and notifications is working .

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Whatever you installed from AppGallery is probably not an official app. We don't publish there.

GPS14 years ago

Hello Anton,
People using AppGallery becomes more and more every day , Huawei it is an important player on the smartphones market , could you please help them to have an updated version of traccar manager uploaded there in AppGallery by the .

Thank you for your time!

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Help who? Do you have contact?

GPS14 years ago


Is not about a specific person , is about all people using Huawei AppGallery.
You already uploaded Traccar Manager for Iphone ( IOS) users in AppStore and Google Android ( PlayStore ) , can be useful to do the upload for users who use Huawei AppGallery .

Helo! I have the same problem Claudio Carrasco was doing the same way as you... From what I understand from Anton answer is that the .json file is in the wrong place... is that it?

Claudio Carrasco4 years ago

Hi Wanderson,

The problem: I build a regularRelease apk. I don't remember which was the correct option, but there is a specific option for firebase.


I am going to try! Thank you very much.