I also found that the location button below the map selector does not work.
there is a red line over it and tooltip sais "Location not available"
How can I make location (that button) available?
Where do I enter the API key?
In the user or server attributes.
How can I make location (that button) available?
It means that it's not supported by your browser for some reason.
Hi Anton,
thanx for your reply.
I hoped, it would be that easy, but reality tell another story , unfortunately
I am logged in as admin in the "modern" interface and have the newest sources from your website installed.
If I go to server, I have only:
Location works in Firefow (newest) if over https
Ok, that works.
Use mapboxAccessToken
Hi Anton,
thanx for oyur fast reply.
But I don't know what you are talking about.
I already havean URL with the mapboxAccessToken:https://api.mapbox.com/styles/mapbox/streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=<mymapBoxAccessToken>
But where to put this URL in traccar,
that I can use the map selector, Mapbox Streets,
in the modern interface in traccar?
I like the map selector in the modern interface, but would also like to use mapbox.
Kind regards,
I found no place where to put it in modern interface or configure it.
You put it in the attributes, as I mentioned.
Hi Anton,
thats what I tried.
But I found no according field to put the API key into.
When I am logged in to the modern interface I g to the navigation on top left and select "server".
The I go to "properties" -> "add".
And there are only the following fields available:
IMHO no valid field for API key .... :-(
You need to type the key that I provided instead of selecting one of the predefined options.
That! works like a charm
Thanx for your help!
Hi all,
when I open Traccar in modern interface I see the map control in upper right corner
under the [+] [-] Zoom.
There it says "Mapbox ..."
When I click nothing happens.
When I open DevTools I see the following message:
So far so good.
The question is: Where do I enter the API key?
I found nothing to configure in traccar.xml, neither in the modern interface!
BTW. I already have an Mapbox API key.
Could somebody pleas advice!
Thanx so much!