Sorry for my English.
Tk105B or Gps105B (Coban-105-v1.7 2017.03.31 is written on the motherboard)
Power: ON
Bat: 100%
Door: OFF
GSM: 19
Oil: 0.00%
ODO: 0.00
APN:, clarorgprs, claroprs999;
IP: 190.105.XXX.XXX:5001
Arm: OFF
traccar 4.2.1 server on Ubuntu running 2 years ago without problems. 7 connected devices, tk102b, android client, tk109,ect
Add device tk105ab with imei. The status is ONLINE but it does not appear on the map. Parameters and their values do not appear.
If I turn off the device, within seconds, it is offline. If I turn again Online, but no data.
Tk102 - Working perfectly

Tk105AB - No data

made a call to the device, returned an SMS with
lat: -34.355XXX lon: -58.860XXX
speed: 0.00
T: 04/21/24 21:48,-58.860XXX&z=16
Pwr: ON Door: OFF ACC: OF
and it started displaying the data on the traccar server.
I want it to continue working properly. Thank you all!!!
There's no such thing as "traccar 4.2.1".
Sorry for my English.
Tk105B or Gps105B (Coban-105-v1.7 2017.03.31 is written on the motherboard)
traccar 4.2.1 server on Ubuntu running 2 years ago without problems. 7 connected devices, tk102b, android client, tk109,ect
Add device tk105ab with imei. The status is ONLINE but it does not appear on the map. Parameters and their values do not appear.
If I turn off the device, within seconds, it is offline. If I turn again Online, but no data.
Tk102 - Working perfectly

Tk105AB - No data