Exporting to GPX

Phil Foulkes7 years ago

Is there any way to export a route to a gpx file for use in a tomtom. I know there has been mention of this before but these posts were going back to 2016. one pose talked about using the API. can anyone send me basic noob instructions on how to access the api and what commands I need to download a track from a specific device on a specific date between two times.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's part of the positions API. You need to set Accept header in your request to application/gpx+xml. Also, you probably need some technical knowledge to use the API.

captain paranoia6 years ago

The GPX file format is almost universally accepted by both GPS devices and mapping tools. Very few devices or mapping tools support XLSX.

It would be nice if there was a way to configure the Report Export in the UI to export GPX files, rather than the .xlsx format it current;ly uses.

I have looked though the configuration settings, and User Attributes, but I cannot find a configuration setting to export GPX. I'm aware of the API method, but a UI option would be preferable for most non-technical users.

Have I missed a setting, or would this be a Feature Request?


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It would be a feature request.

captain paranoia6 years ago

Thanks Anton,

As with my other request, is this reasonable, and is it a feature you think would be useful? Since you already seem to have the generation code in the server, would it be a matter of adding the configuration option? The ability for non-technical users to exchange tracks with other mapping tools and devices would seem to me to be a useful feature.


Vic6 years ago

I would appreciate a gpx-Export feature in the UI too.

Akito5 years ago

Does the UI still not have an export feature? I am looking for a daily automatic GPX-Export.

asher4 years ago

Does anyone have steps for GPX export to be added to the solution?

Arvind4 years ago

Yes i have created a system to export GPX report through API

gabrielcz4 years ago

Where you do that? Arvind...

Abokhorst4 years ago

Hi, it would be nice when you can share you changes how to created a system to export GPS.

I realy like it when iam able to export a GPX file.
