Forwarding Motorola LRRP messages to Traccar

Ross Pickthall4 years ago

Has anyone ever investigated taking LRRP data from Motorola radios and forwarding this to Traccar via some sort of PC app to enable Traccar to show VHF / UHF radio system locations?

BerndFfm4 years ago

I am interested too !

If not we have to write software for this.

Greetings Bernd

WDP4 years ago

Me avisan porfa.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Please don't share personal contact details on the forum.

WDP4 years ago

Entendido, gracias.

Ross Pickthall4 years ago

I found some info on decoding the LRRP data a while ago, will post a link if I can find it again

WDP4 years ago

Estaremos pendientes, compañeros.

Ross Pickthall4 years ago

The only information i can find is here:

I'm sure somebody can make a small utility to convert and forward this data?

Ross Pickthall3 years ago

Bernd, would you like to work on this with me?

Phonebuff3 years ago

Good afternoon,

Looks like this thread stalled about 5 months and I am curious if your ever made any progress. I am working on a simular request (AKA: Feeding LRRP data into Traccar) and don't necessarily want to reinvent the world.

Since I already have the data available as a JSON object it's really a question of developing the function to ingest the object and populate the necessary tables.

TIA --

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can use any of the existing JSON-based protocols.

Phonebuff3 years ago

Anton, Is there a way to setup a call with you to discuss this maybe have you point to some examples ?

Does this forum support private messaging ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can send an email to the support address to discuss it.

WDP3 years ago

Tengo un repetido DMR y radios DGP6150 y DGP4150 y una computadora con un SDR y el SDR Sharp, se puede ver la ubicacion de gps de los DGP6150, DGP4150?

WDP3 years ago

Estoy muy agradecido con el grupo, saludes muchachos, att