If it's supported, you should get it as a "result" notification event. The notification should be enabled, of course.
I get the answer as a hex string on the logs…but its not decoded and can’t see it in the web interface…the string don’t shows Id, just the results, like the SMS we get from the gps unit when sending the SMS command…I would like to know if it s possible to see it on the web interface…
By the way, protocol is h02 and for example I send custom command “status”. I receive the following string as answer, by the logs hex decoded: BAT:6, GPRS:1, GSM:3,GPS:1,ACC:0,oil:0,Power:1,S:1. Where can I see it on web ui?
It's probably not decoded.
Yes. Just confirm that not decoded messages aren’t seen on web ui…
Hello. I am new to traccar but am an experienced programmer. I have successfully added devices to traccar and I am using it. I can send custom commands to my device and the device answers correctly with a string. I can see it on the logs and hex decode it. Where can I see command results on the web interface??? Thanks