HTTP 401 Unauthorized - WebApplicationException (SecurityRequestFilter:113 < ...)

Jose B4 years ago

Hi Anton

I have in my server a traccar ( Mysql and mount as subdirectory http://my domain/gps) that works fine.

I create another traccar , to use as homologation, in the same server (native - no mysql , and mount as subdirectory http://my domain/teste).
in this, when I access by http://mydomain:8085 works fine. When I try access http://my domain/teste,
I have a message HTTP 401 Unauthorized - WebApplicationException (SecurityRequestFilter:113 < ...) . There arenĀ“t nothing on traccar.log.
But if I do login on http://mydomain:8085 and after I open new chrome tab in http://my domain/teste, works in both.

How I fix it please?



german sanchez 4 years ago

HTTP 401 Unauthorized - WebApplicationException (SecurityRequestFilter:113 < ...)
A mi me pasa lo mismo, me toca reiniar el servicio

jesusle3 years ago

Hi, I have this issue HTTP 401 Unauthorized - WebApplicationException (SecurityRequestFilter:124 < ...) do yo have solve it? regards