What is the best way to send locations from devices to traccar server if the geolocation and devices information comes from other source than gps devices?
We have a national government service that enable us to get positions from local buses, identifying each vehicle and its position that is actively providing service (including timestamp, speed, direction and other data). It's an restful API. We want to pool that API and send the information to our Traccar Server, in order to store historical information and to use all the functionality it offers to analyze the data.
Is it any way to send the information via Socket?
Should I build a new protocol?
I'm working on a .NET 4.6 Framework using C#.
Thanks Anton!! That's a nice approach! I forgot that was an option!
It is working! But, Is there any chance to think that pushing positions using osmand does not trigger events like 'device entered geofence' ???
What is the best way to send locations from devices to traccar server if the geolocation and devices information comes from other source than gps devices?
We have a national government service that enable us to get positions from local buses, identifying each vehicle and its position that is actively providing service (including timestamp, speed, direction and other data). It's an restful API. We want to pool that API and send the information to our Traccar Server, in order to store historical information and to use all the functionality it offers to analyze the data.
Is it any way to send the information via Socket?
Should I build a new protocol?
I'm working on a .NET 4.6 Framework using C#.