Traccar not using all defined ports in default.xml

Stephan Augustin5 years ago

I was wondering if i can reduce the open ports on my system when i realized that in the config are many more ports configured then really open:
( had to change all angle brackets with underscore)

5001 - 5189

open ports:

22/tcp   open  ssh
25/tcp   open  smtp
80/tcp   open  http
110/tcp  open  pop3
443/tcp  open  https
3306/tcp open  mysql
5001/tcp open  commplex-link
5003/tcp open  filemaker
5004/tcp open  avt-profile-1
5009/tcp open  airport-admin
5030/tcp open  surfpass
5033/tcp open  unknown
5050/tcp open  mmcc
5051/tcp open  ida-agent
5054/tcp open  rlm-admin
5060/tcp open  sip
5061/tcp open  sip-tls
5080/tcp open  onscreen
5087/tcp open  unknown
5100/tcp open  admd
5101/tcp open  admdog
5102/tcp open  admeng
5120/tcp open  unknown
8082/tcp open  blackice-alerts

Why is there such a huge difference?
Is there another way disabling the Ports instead of deleting them?
commenting out crashes the server ;(

Thank you,

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

How did you check the open ports?

Dan Dyse5 years ago

Example: will this stop the server from listening on port 5014?

<entry key='jt600.port'>false</ entry>
Stephan Augustin5 years ago

How did you check the open ports?
$ nmap localhost
$ nmap

Example: will this stop the server from listening on port 5014?

Is this a Hint or a Question?

Stephan Augustin5 years ago

My first/main interest is, why are some ports, defined in default.xml, open, and some are still defined, but not open?

If i delete everything i don't need from default.xml, the port-issue ist hopefully fixed.

Dan Dyse5 years ago

Stephan: a question for Anton - sorry for abusing your thread. :-)

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

@Stephan Augustin, you should be using something like netstat to look at open ports. The tool you are using will only check well known ports, not all ports.

Stephan Augustin5 years ago

You're completely right. Sorry for wasting your time.
netstat shows all configured Ports.
Alternatively, one can use also nmap:
nmap localhost -p5000-6000

So i will remove all unused ports from my config.
Thanks a lot

Przemyslaw4 years ago

Hi, @Stephan Augustin. Can You tell me how do You remove unused ports? Do You go to default.xml and just remove entries? My device use port 5023, so Can I remove all the rest?

Stephan Augustin4 years ago

@Przemyslaw I removed all unused entries from default.xml. However, I have no confirmation that this is the only/best/official way to do this. Make a Backup and try, for me it did the trick.

Przemyslaw4 years ago

@Stephan, thanks, I do as You said and everything looks OK.