From your computer, are you able to connect to http://localhost:5055
? How did you figure out what MyPublicIP was? Is is accessible from the internet or is that your local LAN IP? Is the Android device connected to the same wifi as your computer or is it connected to the internet through a cellular connection? When you forwarded the port, did you forward the port on your router?
There are also troubleshooting guides that you should follow and report results.
My Computer does not open http://MyPublicIp:5055
I have a Quecclink telematics device that is setup and reporting to my localhost using the MyPublicIp and its working on the web app on http://localhost:8080
I then decided to add the android traccar .
Followed all trouble shooting guides. Looked at logs device is not even there.
At app level sending is failing.
When the cellphone is connected on same wifi as my localhost it works. As soon as i make it connect to the MyPublicIP it sends failed.
Port forwarding is configured at D-Link router level using a virtual server
I also cant get traccar manager app to work.
Troubleshooting guides place no emphasis on Localhost setup on mobile app . Obviously because of the different routers in port forwarding and firewalls ?
Sounds like you have some issues with your network configuration.
Traccar Client SEND FAILED Android
while using a localhost as a Traccar Server i cannot get the Traccar Client Android app to connect to
Port 5055 is open on localhost.
I have configured a virtual server for port forwarding from external port 5055 to internal port 5055. is this correct as localhost sits behind an router in my LAN
i am able to connect to traccar demo servers but not to my localhost