Are you asking if it's possible to restore the data without database?
now you have fresh database without any data from old database, only old configuration files traccar system
if you want data from old database you must have root access to old database, do you have it ?
Hi, thanks for answers. I lost my old installation of Traccar server and I have only those 2 files defaul.xml, traccar.xml. So it's not possible to use my old login credentials and to see my device without old database?
now you have all fresh, login admin/admin
now take care about buckup, you can use my solution or some other
Thank You very much for fast help.
Hello, I lost my Traccar instalation on VPS and I only backup traccar.xml and default.xml files. I install fresh Traccar server and make new database like in Digital Ocean tutorial and replace those two files in /opt/traccar/conf/. I start traccar and when I try to login I cannot. It says wrong email or password. Is it possible to restore my server without mysql database?