Thanks Anton.. I really appreciate the support, made the change now im getting
2016-04-27 21:56:41 INFO: Starting server... 2016-04-27 21:56:50 INFO: [9EFD804C] connected 2016-04-27 21:56:51 DEBUG: [9EFD804C: 5023 <] HEX: 78780d01035548833991140000e8cbc10d0a 2016-04-27 21:56:51 DEBUG: [9EFD804C: 5023 >] HEX: 7878050100e8a3130d0a 2016-04-27 21:56:51 INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceStatus 2016-04-27 21:56:56 DEBUG: [9EFD804C: 5023 <] HEX: 78781f1210041b153916c50112dbe90906b0fd003c0402c804a41300102400e848090d0a 2016-04-27 21:56:56 DEBUG: [9EFD804C: 5023 >] HEX: 7878051200e8c9e20d0a 2016-04-27 21:56:56 INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceStatus 2016-04-27 21:56:56 WARN: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TRANSACTION'. - SQLServerException (... < QueryBuilder:431 < DataManager:440 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...) 2016-04-27 21:56:56 INFO: [9EFD804C] id: 355488339911400, time: 2016-04-27 15:57:22, lat: 10.00731, lon: -84.12971, speed: 0.0, course: 4.0 2016-04-27 21:57:06 DEBUG: [9EFD804C: 5023 <] HEX: 78781f1210041b153920c60112dbe90906b0fd003c0402c804a41300102400e9eaca0d0a 2016-04-27 21:57:06 DEBUG: [9EFD804C: 5023 >] HEX: 7878051200e9d86b0d0a 2016-04-27 21:57:06 INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceStatus 2016-04-27 21:57:06 WARN: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TRANSACTION'. - SQLServerException (... < QueryBuilder:431 < DataManager:440 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...) 2016-04-27 21:57:06 INFO: [9EFD804C] id: 355488339911400, time: 2016-04-27 15:57:32, lat: 10.00731, lon: -84.12971, speed: 0.0, course: 4.0
Try query from here:
Changed and got.
2016-04-27 22:28:29 INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceStatus 2016-04-27 22:28:29 WARN: The value is not set for the parameter number 4. - SQLServerException (... < QueryBuilder:431 < DataManager:440 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...) 2016-04-27 22:28:29 INFO: [624B3E29] id: 355488339911400, time: 2016-04-27 16:28:54, lat: 10.00730, lon: -84.12977, speed: 0.0, course: 162.0
these are the queries in the Current Config
<entry key='database.selectDevicesAll'> SELECT imeiNumber AS id, imeiNumber AS uniqueId FROM msDevice WHERE imeiNumber IS NOT NULL; </entry> <entry key='database.insertPosition'> DECLARE @accountID varchar(32) DECLARE @deviceID varchar(32) DECLARE @updatetime bigint set @updatetime = (SELECT CONVERT(bigINT,:fixTime)); UPDATE MSDevice SET lastValidLatitude = :latitude, lastValidLongitude = :longitude, lastGPSTimestamp = @updatetime, lastUpdateTime = GEtDATE() WHERE imeiNumber = :device_id; SELECT @accountID = accountID,@deviceID=deviceID FROM MSDevice WHERE imeiNumber = :device_id; INSERT INTO MSEventData (accountID, deviceID, timestamp, statusCode, latitude, longitude, speedKPH, heading, altitude, rawData, creationTime, address) VALUES (@accountID, @deviceID, @updatetime, 0, :latitude, :longitude, :speed * 1.852, :course, :altitude, '', GEtDATE(), :address); </entry> <!--> device_id - Long id - Long <--> <entry key='database.updateLatestPosition'> UPDATE MSdevices SET latestPosition_id = :id WHERE id = :device_id; </entry>
Replace ":device_id" with ":deviceId".
Thanks Just one issue more with Date Conversion
2016-04-27 22:55:44 INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceStatus 2016-04-27 22:55:44 WARN: Explicit conversion from data type datetime2 to bigint is not allowed. - SQLServerException (... < QueryBuilder:431 < DataManager:440 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...) 2016-04-27 22:55:44 INFO: [93ABFAF3] id: 355488339911400, time: 2016-04-27 16:56:09, lat: 10.00736, lon: -84.12966, speed: 0.0, course: 291.0
Not sure how to fix this problem. Try to experiment with CONVERT function.
Thanks Fixed the conert but error still appears
[48984629] id: 355488339911400, time: 2016-04-27 17:59:36, lat: 10.00741, lon: -84.12968, speed: 0.0, course: 210.0 2016-04-27 23:59:20 DEBUG: [48984629: 5023 <] HEX: 78781f1210041b173b2ec60112dc9d0906b0d0003cd202c804a41300106b006184830d0a 2016-04-27 23:59:20 DEBUG: [48984629: 5023 >] HEX: 787805120061d02b0d0a 2016-04-27 23:59:20 INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceStatus 2016-04-27 23:59:20 WARN: The statement must be executed before any results can be obtained. - SQLServerException (... < QueryBuilder:433 < DataManager:440 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...) 2016-04-27 23:59:20 INFO: [48984629] id: 355488339911400, time: 2016-04-27 17:59:46, lat: 10.00741, lon: -84.12968, speed: 0.0, course: 210.0
Current Config
<entry key='database.selectDevicesAll'> SELECT imeiNumber AS id, imeiNumber AS uniqueId FROM msDevice WHERE imeiNumber IS NOT NULL; </entry> <entry key='database.insertPosition'> DECLARE @accountID varchar(32) DECLARE @deviceID varchar(32) DECLARE @tijd bigint DECLARE @nu bigint set @tijd = (select dbo.unix_timestamp(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),:fixTime,120))); set @nu = (select dbo.unix_timestamp(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),getdate(),120))); UPDATE MSDevice SET lastValidLatitude = :latitude, lastValidLongitude = :longitude, lastGPSTimestamp = @tijd, lastUpdateTime = @nu WHERE imeiNumber = :deviceId; SELECT @accountID = accountID,@deviceID=deviceID FROM MSDevice WHERE imeiNumber = :deviceId; INSERT INTO MSEventData (accountID, deviceID, timestamp, statusCode, latitude, longitude, speedKPH, heading, altitude, rawData, creationTime, address) VALUES (@accountID, @deviceID, @tijd, 0, :latitude, :longitude, :speed * 1.852, :course, :altitude, '', @nu, :address); </entry> <!--> device_id - Long id - Long <--> <entry key='database.updateLatestPosition'> UPDATE MSdevices SET latestPosition_id = :id WHERE id = :deviceId; </entry>
Remove "database.updateLatestPosition" from the config.
Thanks Anton is working correctly now.
Below is the correct query for Traccar 3.5 with OpenGTS 2.6.1 integration - SQL Server 2014
<entry key='database.selectDevicesAll'> SELECT imeiNumber AS id, imeiNumber AS uniqueId FROM msDevice WHERE imeiNumber IS NOT NULL; </entry> <entry key='database.insertPosition'> DECLARE @accountID varchar(32) DECLARE @deviceID varchar(32) DECLARE @tijd bigint DECLARE @nu bigint set @tijd = (select dbo.unix_timestamp(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),:fixTime,120))); set @nu = (select dbo.unix_timestamp(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),getdate(),120))); UPDATE MSDevice SET lastValidLatitude = :latitude, lastValidLongitude = :longitude, lastGPSTimestamp = @tijd, lastUpdateTime = @nu WHERE imeiNumber = :deviceId; SELECT @accountID = accountID,@deviceID=deviceID FROM MSDevice WHERE imeiNumber = :deviceId; INSERT INTO MSEventData (accountID, deviceID, timestamp, statusCode, latitude, longitude, speedKPH, heading, altitude, rawData, creationTime, address) VALUES (@accountID, @deviceID, @tijd, 0, :latitude, :longitude, :speed * 1.852, :course, :altitude, '', @nu, :address); </entry>
Hello, This query could be more accurate to get all devices with numeric IMEI (it works from SQL Server 2012 in advance):
For Traccar 3.5 version used in your example:
SELECT imeiNumber AS id, imeiNumber AS uniqueId FROM MSDevice WHERE TRY_PARSE(imeiNumber as int) is not null;
For Traccar 3.7 version which I am using now it will be something like:
SELECT CONCAT('1', imeiNumber) AS id, imeiNumber AS uniqueId FROM MSDevice WHERE TRY_PARSE(imeiNumber as int) is not null;
Thank you for sharing your solution Steve Dusty, and Anton for support given!
OK, we are almost there. Replace ":time" with ":fixTime".