Teltonika live tracking issue

Gps man4 years ago

Hello Fordsman,

Appreciate your time and response.

We were using newest first earlier, but in that case the vehicle history was mishandled by traccar due to sequence issue.

Now we are using oldest first.

Main problem here is that the device is sending data with the actual time stamp while traccar is treating and showing the said data in current time stamp.

This problem has cropped since September 2020, some changes made in Teltonika decoding in traccar has affected this.

As shared in the hex code you can see there are multiple data with different time stamp but traccar is catching hold of one lat long and some other time stamp.

You may check the hex using the decoder shared by me.

We are using 300 plus devices

Fordsman4 years ago

To get it work proper you need to use "Newest first".
To understand: (as i have got it, i think)
"fixTime" is timestamp when gnss position fix (gnss time), sent by device
"deviceTime" is timestamp when actual record was sent (device internal clock), sent by device
"serverTime" is timestamp when actual record was received by server (server clock)

If you use "Newest first", latest record is treated as valid and older than that not valid but is saved in database

We use 1Hz send rate so not often anny old record, only if GSM-network is sometimes bad

Gps man4 years ago

You are right, we face this challenge only when the GSM network is not available and data is logged in the device. This data is then sent to the server. But traccar is taking historic data and showing with current time stamp on live server.

Your newest setting issue will reveal flaws when you have network down time and you check the history of that vehicle, the order of movement get disturbed as such it is is advisory me to oldest. Pl read Teltonika document, that setting is actually the sort order