If you think something is not decoded correctly, you should provide some evidence.
We get binary code in traccar as sinch not able to decode on your server.
But this problem is coming quite frequently
2021-01-10 02:49:23 INFO: [ace591c5: teltonika <] HEX: 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
2021-01-10 02:49:23 INFO: [ace591c5: teltonika >] HEX: 00000010
2021-01-10 02:49:23 INFO: [ace591c5] id: 358480086600535, time: 2021-01-09 12:11:36, lat: 23.08816, lon: 72.64904, course: 209.0
pl check as per the time this data is of 9th Jan 2021. But while we see this in web, it is shown in running on 10th Jan with 10th Jan date and time .
This is in fact historic data while it is being treated as live data
You need to find the source for 10th Jan date in the logs.
I am not getting that. The device has send this historic data to the server with date as 9th Jan, 2021 as that was not sent to server due to network issue. Since device is maintaining data logs for data that is not sent, it sends history data to the server when it is connected but traccar is considering it as latest data with latest date and time stamp.
OK, please provide proper details, including message breakdown, expected values, timezones everywhere etc.
I can share you the teletonika decoder link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zBQCLc4N-sojMhoaYVGStPXhtUeNbpVy/view?usp=sharing
Using this you will be able to get all the details.
This happened after your last change related to teletonika protocol.
I studied this further and found that this packet has got multiple data with timestamp. One is Old data and one is live data. The traccar system is taking old data with new time stamp and showing the marker position.
Is this fixed ?
No, you haven't provided the information I requested.
I provide you the Teltonika decoder. The decoder does not allow me to copy the data from it and share. But as I shared when I decide the above code in Teltonika decoder, I see number of packets with different time stamps, but traccar is picking one of them and treating it as live. Pl check
How is your devices setting?
"device will send the newest records first when Newest is selected in Records Settings, which is useful in cases when the most important parameter set is the most recent one, as a result other records will be sent right after the newest records are received by AVL application."
If you have "oldest record first" then Traccar will behave as you say.
We use 400 units, FMB devices, with no problem("Newest first")
We are using Teltonika device since couple of years. Recently certain devices when are not able to connect to the server for certain time and as when they connect back to the server it shows historic movement with current time stamp. We erase the logs in the device and it comes to normal. The main issue is we get old data with current time stamp on the traccar server while this does not happen when we connect the same device to Teltonika’s own server.