MVT 380 No muestra datos

chrnos10 years ago

Programe un GPS MEITRACK MVT 380, el cual si envía señales al servidor Traccar estas no se muestran en la pantalla del servidor, el log muestra lo siguiente:

2015-05-28 11:23:12 DEBUG: [5D072835: 5020 <-] - HEX: 2424503135312c3836353733343032393433393939372c4141412c33352c32372e3439363534312c2d3130392e3933393837362c3135303532383138323331322c412c382c32312c31332c3334352c302e392c33372c343734382c383431362c3333347c32307c313339467c353446322c303030302c303030317c303030317c303030307c303242427c303030302c30303030303030312c2a36360d0a
2015-05-28 11:23:12 INFO: device: 3, time: Thu May 28 11:23:12 PDT 2015, lat: 27.496541, lon: -109.939876
2015-05-28 11:23:12 WARN: Value too long for column "OTHER VARCHAR(255)": "'<info><protocol>meitrack</protocol><event>35</event><satellites>8</satellites><gsm>21</gsm><hdop>0.9</hdop><milage>4748</milage... (286)"; SQL statement:

    INSERT INTO positions (device_id, time, valid, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, power, address, other)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
 [22001-186] - org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException (

¿Hay alguna manera de arreglar esto?
Un saludo.

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

First of all, please write in English.

As for your problem, it is a known issue with database column length. It should be fixed in the next version of Traccar, but for now the workaround is to remove 'other' column from insert query in the config file.

chrnos10 years ago

Thanks , sorry for the language
a greeting.

gabrielcz10 years ago

Don´t know if I do it well, but I change length in mysql from 255 to 500 and works well now...

PD: Por si no entiendes ingles, te dicen que estada resuelto en la próxima version.
Por si te sirve, yo lo resolví cambiando en la base de datos, la columna "other" de 255 a 500.

Im sorry for the spanish, I just trying to help him, becouse I don´t know if can read your response.