Modern traccar web

Jose B5 years ago

Hi Anton,

I am testing traccar modern web in my production server, (without giving users the link to access, of course).

I know that you are in the early stages of developing this web interface. I just want to give you feedback!

I noticed that all the trackers appear almost immediately on the left panel, but it takes a long time to appear on the map and, it presents a lot of block and crash, especially when using the zoom, even appear the screen is blank that force to reload the browser.


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

How many devices do you have in your user account?

Jose B5 years ago

Approximately 641. they open quickly / normally on the current web (not modern)


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I guess we need clustering.

Jose B5 years ago

The user see 4 groups and the devices are distributed into them, (do not have user x devices directly) .

Jose B4 years ago

only to register:

I update the production enviroment (+/- 700 devices) with new traccar 4.11:

  • take too long to show the vehicle icon on the map;
  • some crashes / jumps when trying to zoom and the map have a long time to reflesh in zoom
  • freezen chrome most of time

in the old web traccar it is OK, no changes


Jose B4 years ago

Today I install the traccar 4.12. Seems that you fixed the problem.

Gps man4 years ago

This issue is still pending. I am able to see devices in Old tracccar, while in modern traccar, it crashes almost.

Jose B4 years ago

Today we installed in production the traccar 4.13. We noticed in the modern web:

  • The browser google chrome frozen some times for a long time period and showed the message "waiting cdn.traccar........"
  • When choose the another kind of map, the map area becomes white for a long long time. Need to use "F5" to work again
  • It was more slow when compared to 4.12, when we are dragging the screen with the mouse. sometime frozzen the browser too.
tecseguridad4 years ago

Hi guys, do you have any idea how to start development of clustering feature in modern web app interface to develop this feature? We made a custom application using react but we have the same problem, with around 500 devices, the browser does not support it and it is extremely slow and hung. First of all, Thanks!

tecseguridad4 years ago

Hi Anton how are you, we have implemented mapbox clustering in modern based custom interface. However, the map is still heavy and frozen (approximately 500 devices). Any ideas on how to make the layers load dynamically, or some other way to prevent this from happening. Thanks

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Well, I think we need to do clustering in the background on a separate thread. So, standard Mapbox clustering probably won't help.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

A follow up here. Turns out the biggest issue was the device list, not the map. We have fixed it using virtualized list. See the latest code.

We also implemented clustering and device status colors.

tecseguridad4 years ago

Thank you very much Anton!. a last answer please. This changes are not in V4.13 get?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Implemented it yesterday, so it's not in 4.13.