How to Install Traccar server on AWS Amazon step by step (Tutorial)

rasik9 years ago

enabled the "All traffic" in security group, now abale to access my server using myserverip:8082

now opened client in mobile, enter details, but it always stop or stuck in Location update, even i already enabled GPS and all, also gps position is able to use by other app fine.

now have to fix the connectivity from mobile and server.

In client i entered my server ip
In client i entered my server port number as 8082

rasik9 years ago

Finally working :)

will release complete video tutorial soon.

can you add below thing to your documentation or steps for centos , may it help lot of noob users like me.

  1. logged to amazon EC2 (centos 7 64bit) via putty (in my windows pc)

2)installed wget using below code
sudo yum install wget

  1. installed zip and unzip using below code
    sudo yum install zip unzip

  2. Installed java using below code
    sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk

5)downloaded traccar using below code

  1. unzipped the traccar using below code

8)run file using below code
sudo ./

9)start the daemon by using below code
sudo /opt/traccar/bin/traccar start

  1. if it shows traccar is running and one PID (port id) like below means, you're Done

[centos@ip-172-31-59-xx ~]$ sudo /opt/traccar/bin/traccar start
Starting traccar...
Waiting for traccar........
running: PID:2046

  1. Type the below thing in your pc browser, yourip is the ip of server and 8082 is default port of traccar (dont change)

  2. default username : admin
    default pass : admin

  3. you're logged in successfully ? able to view map, then install Traccar client in android mobile from play store.

  4. In your Android device
    Under "Device Identifier" there will be some number that is your device identify number, you can change it too, then note it down in notepad or write in some piece of paper.

Server address
Enter your server ip

Server port (5055 is default port number, dont change to other number)

  1. Back to Traccar server
    In "Devices" window, click "+" (add) and enter some name (nick name) then enter the Device identifier you noted from android device, paste it and cick "save"

  2. Back to Andrid device
    ON the GPS, Enable Mobile data or enable wifi, so your device is connected to internet

then click "Start" in taccar client.

Your realtime location is updated in traccar server and able to see instantly and use it efficiently

Tell a thanks to Anton if possible Donate, without his effort this type of thing is available to corportate people only.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Thanks for sharing the steps. Let's leave it on the forum for now because it's very version/os-specific.

Hovo9 years ago

I wants to install Traccar server on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (Digitalocean)
after command

#apkg - configure - a

server say

No command 'apkg' found, did you mean:
 Command 'apg' from package 'apg' (main)
 Command 'dpkg' from package 'dpkg' (main)

whats going wrong?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Ubuntu uses different package manager, so you need to use different commands to install dependencies.

joaopnj9 years ago
I wants to install Traccar server on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (Digitalocean) after command

#apkg - configure - a

server say

No command 'apkg' found, did you mean:
Command 'apg' from package 'apg' (main)
Command 'dpkg' from package 'dpkg' (main)
whats going wrong?

Use dpkg instead apkg , will work

like: #dpkg - configure - a

dlevak9 years ago

I have VPS ubuntu-14.04-x86_64 and have problemems.

1 step: OK
2 step: OK
3 step: OK
4 step:
# sudo your not working
# apt - get update apt-get update (apt-get without space) - OK

# wget
(In case you use VPS 64-bit (recommended)

not working,
# apt-get - OK
#apkg - configure - a - not working
#apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin unzip - OK, after install unzip. (apt-get unzip)
#vi /opt/traccar/conf/linux.cfg Press "E" to edit and open console. Paste code after picture and change //localhost/anyusername to //localhost/MY USERNAME, anyusername</entry> to MY USERNAME</entry>youphpmyadminpassword</entry> to MY PHPADMIN PASSWORD</entry>
and this not working, i cant back. If i write &lt;strong&gt;: wq&lt;/strong&gt; not working. Ok, I go to next step. <code># sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre</code> not working. (# apt-get install openjdk-7-jre) - OK <code># sudo /opt/traccar/bin/traccar start</code> not working. Whats problem?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago
dlevak9 years ago

Anton, sorry.
apt-get install
this is correct. I missing add INSTALL in code. You can edit my post, plesae ;)

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It is still incorrect. Why are you using "apt-get"? Please read instructions more careful.

dlevak9 years ago

Because do not begin installation

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

So because wget didn't work, you decided to run random incorrect command? If something doesn't work, please provide the error message.

johns8 years ago

Hello, can you please say me what ports enable on the firewall in Centos?. Thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You need to enable ports that you want to use.

johns8 years ago

Enable only port 8082 in the centos server is enough for traccar and for test with mobile device? or in addition is necesary open the port 5055 in the server for the mobile device application. Thanks