Add battery and maybe further formation of GT06 protocol

Tomte4 years ago


I have some chinese GT06 devices with the GT06 protocol successfully running. However, I miss some information I get via SMS, like battery % and Voltage. I am not sure, it it is contained in the GT06 packages. I tried gt06.alternative, but it made no change for me.
So, please, here are my questions:

  • How can I easily figure out, what is really contained in my data?
  • How can I then transfer this to traccar? (like with processing.copyAttributes? Other config changes?)
  • Do I need gt06.alternative, or should I remove it?

Help would be really appreciated.
Thanks, Tomte

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You can check protocol documentation for your device.

Tomte4 years ago


thank you for your quick reply. I would if I could. (you can see from my question, that I did some investigations, before asking)
However, it is a little chinese gps tracker, with hardly any information provided. That it is using the GT06 I only figured out by guessing.
So where should I start, please?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You can try to use documentation from here:

Tomte4 years ago

Ok, yes, I could. What would the steps be? I decode manually the binary data from the tracker with the documentation and check, if all is transferred completely into traccar.
What would I do then, if I find something useful, but not translated?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

If you find something that's missing, let us know.

Navneet Choudhary9 months ago

Hey, GT06 Protocol port no 5023, voltage data is coming in heartbeat package but not showing anywhere in traccar.

i am using Traccar 5.12.


Please help me to resolve this issue.

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

I recommend upgrading to the latest version first.

Navneet Choudhary9 months ago

Hey Anton as per your suggestion I have upgraded to latest version, Still it is same issue.

Protocol Document link:

EV02 manufacturing company using GT06 protocol and they have voltage display feature in their own application.

We should get this information in traccar if it is sent by hardware.

I can see same document is available on traccar documentation with the name of V02 and link i have shared has V03 so it may be slightly different from V02.

can we expect a upgrade?

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Provide a HEX sample where you expect the voltage.

Navneet Choudhary8 months ago

Hex sample in the photo


Anton Tananaev8 months ago

I'm talking about your logs.

Navneet Choudhary8 months ago

I am expecting in heartbeat packet:

here is the sample heartbeat package found in my logs:

7878 0a 13 05 f0 047e0203afaf450d0a

here is the details about voltage level:

Navneet Choudhary8 months ago

in above log f0 is where i am expecting voltage data and that should show in the traccar.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

This is not supported currently. You have to file a ticket on GitHub.