Change tracker website to traccar

Robbie4 years ago

I want to change the Service and IP / port of my Tracker.
Currenty the ip and port are set in the tracker, to point to a chinese website.

I now want to use my own tracker server.
I have installed an ubuntu server, make a DNS forward on a subdomain of my hosted website.
Followed the security document, and now traccar is reachable using just (without the need to specify the port)

Internaly, the ubunty server passes the https request to port 8082 of the local website of trackar.

What do I need to put in the tracker? just without the port? or do I need to forward the 8082 port in my router, and use the public ip adres followed by the port 8082?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

First of all, you should use correct port from here:

Secondly, you need to make sure that your device supports DNS. Many devices only support IP addresses.

Then configure IP/domain + port using instructions from your device vendor.

Robbie4 years ago

Hi Anton,
Thanks for your answer, I dont know if my device supports DNS.
My traccar website uses port 8082 and if I run the check command on the tracker, I see:

Hostname: a2.gps110.orgIP: 7018imei:35267.....

That means that currently port 7018 is used I think?

Should I than put my public IP followed by port 8082 via SMS to the tracker?
I dont understand the list of the ports of the supported trackers, Cant we not just change the port to the port used on the website installed by traccar? 8082


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Port 8082 is for the web app only. Don't try to use it for devices.

Robbie4 years ago

I am sorry, still not 100% clear to me.

So I should use port 7018?
put public iP followed by port 7018 via SMS in the tracker?

I have a Likorlove Auto GPS-tracker

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Where did you find port 7018 on the page that I linked earlier?

Robbie4 years ago

I found the port in the message I received from the tracker, after requesting the status of the tracker.
Isnt the ip and port I need to put in the tracker, the IP and port needed to connect to the traccar website?

Robbie4 years ago

Apparent my tracker uses the GT06M protocol, so I should use port 5023.
But I realy don't understand the difference between the port 8082 on my webserver, (I forwarded this port in my router) and port 5023.

The router does not forward port 5023 or 5055, but still the traccar client works fine.

I need to understand how this functions, because I don't want to open ports on the router that are not needed.
Further more, my SIM does not support SMS, but I can sent commands fromt the website.

This means, that if I make a mistake in sending the command to the tracker, I could lose connection to the website and cannot restore the tracker.


jay4 years ago

Hi Rob

you need to open port 5023 on your router and forward it to your local traccar server IP. You will need a public IP. So on the device you will need to set in your public IP and Port 5023. You can also do a port scanner to see if the 5023 port is opened. You would enter your public IP and port number.
Port 8082 which you setup to use port 80, is only to access traccar UI, it is not for setting up a devices. Hope this helps

Robbie4 years ago

Hi Jay,
Thank you for your reply, really appreciate it.
I think I now understand this. But you know what is strange, and confuses me?

I use the traccar client for testing, and this works fine. I read that the client uses port 5055, and that port is for sure not open on my router, and a port check on shows that the port is closed.
I only have ports 8082 and 443 open.

But the strange thing is, that the client is working. That is what confuses me.
For security reasons I need to know how communication is set-up.

Of course I can just open port 5023, but I want to understand it.


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

There is an internal forwarding set up specifically for Traccar Client to forward data from port 8082 to 5055. It is not recommended to use it.

Robbie4 years ago

Aha, now I get it, thank you for clearing this.
Now it makes sense.
So for me the best thing to do is to delete port forward 8082 in the router, (because the secure https proxy 443 forwards the port to 8082) and add a port 5023 in my router which forwards requests to the same 5023 port in the traccar website.

According to the support guy of my tracker, it supports DNS, so I could just point to the DNS name I forwarded to my public IP and add 5023 as the port.

lfiallos4 months ago

What is it the port for a device called OBD CY01 that respond this message in the log:

[TCP] HEX: 676701000b00010

Any help ?