GT06 device not reporting position.

Richard Acosta5 years ago

Hello, after reading a lot, I finally achieved to talk to this device, but it is not reporting GPS position, even with the GPS light fix on which means it is correctly connected to GPS constellation.

I've had some issues in the past but it was working (around 8 months ago) and I only remember it started working correctly just after leaving it alone for a couple hours, but now I can't find the way to get it right.

this is protocol -> HEX: 7878

I already have enabled 5023 port and the device is at timezone W, 0 as recommended on other forum posts, and yet, is only idle reporting.

¿Should I also add this on my server side config?
<entry key='gt06.timezone'>19800</entry> (calculate it for my timezone)

Richard Acosta5 years ago

I just found out the device is out of date, I sent timezone W 3 (instead of E 0) and time/date setting went OK, now it has location and it is sending it to me on SMS, but not reporting to server.

This is all i got.

2020-07-04 18:26:11  INFO: [900a05b0: gt06 <] HEX: 78780a138606040002000e33830d0a
2020-07-04 18:26:11  INFO: [900a05b0: gt06 >] HEX: 78780513000e11060d0a
2020-07-04 18:26:11  INFO: Position filtered by Zero filters from device: 
Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I don't see location in your log sample.

Richard Acosta4 years ago

Yes, sorry for the delay. It is not reporting location, that's what I said.

I have several of them, some report, some don't report location. Can't tell what to do to make them start.

They are generic chinese devices, I would love if someone knows what is missing because I can't find it.
There's no way to locate manufacturer BTW that's why i'm asking for anyone who already had this issue.

Gaston4 years ago

i have the same problem with a jm01 (gt06 protocol). It responds with the correct position to the sms, but it does not report the position to the Traccar. I thought it might be some problem in the firmware.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Many GT06-based devices don't report location when stationary.

Gaston4 years ago

Thanks for the prompt reply Anton. Yes, the test I'm doing is static. I should test the device in motion. Is this feature intended to save data in reports? I can not think of anything else...

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

That's something you should ask device vendor. It's a device feature, not server.