Api 100% ok to send notifications via whatsapp and sms at the same time!

Gyula Mester4 years ago

Olá, já está disponível uma api para utilizar seu número comercial do whatsapp + pacote sms para envio das notificações para plataforma traccar! 100% testado sem complicações

Hello, an api is now available to use your whatsapp business number + sms package to send notifications to the traccar platform! 100% tested without complications

Ola, como faco pra testar a ferramenta?

jeyzonsantiago4 years ago

Olá, como faço para testar a ferramenta?

Cash Zhu4 years ago

Hi GYula thank you for share, can you told me how to setup for WhatsApp business please?

Gyula Mester4 years ago

hello in partnership with mex10 brasil we developed a product for sending sms + whatsapp at the same time using the following configurations. If you are interested in contacting

olá em parceria com a mex10 brasil desenvolvemos um produto para envio de sms+whatsapp ao mesmo tempo usando as seguintes configurações. Caso tenha interesse entrar em contato

account zap bussines!!!
confi > traccar.xml

    <entry key='notificator.types'>sms</entry>
    <entry key='notificator.sms.manager.class'>org.traccar.sms.HttpSmsClient</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.url'>https://mex10.com/api/traccar.aspx</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.user'>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.password'>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
    <entry key='sms.http.template'>
        "to": "{phone}",
        "body": "{message}",
        "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Anton Tananaev4 years ago

No personal contact details on the forum please.

Gyula Mester4 years ago

Ok. Anton
I'm new to the forum, sorry for what happened

Emilio Díaz4 years ago

MEX10 is a fully functional tool, they are very friendly and do the whole process for you, they send SMS and Whatsap at the same time or just Whatsap if you wish