traccar service restarts ever few minutes

Ninja Tracker5 years ago

Traccar 4.10 on Ubuntu 20.04 Server

When I look at the status of the service it doesn't go past 5 min. It crashes and restarts on it's own.

If I catch it at the right time it says:
-Main process exited code dumped status 6/abrt
-failed with result watchdog

What log do you need to find out why it keeps on restarting?

Ninja Tracker5 years ago

I just removed the watchdog command from config file.

I'll see if that helps.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Most likely you have incorrect config.

adrianr4 years ago

hi, i had the same problem, deleting all traccar related files and reinstalling fixed the issue, i use mysql, so i created a backup of mysql and traccar.xml