speed unit error in VJOY tracker protocol

Loic 5 years ago

Hi Anton,

I am using trackers from VJOY saler. According to the protocol the speed unit value send by the devices should be in km/h but obviously it's wrong.

So i sent a message to the saler and he confirmed to me the protocol is wrong for speed unit as below.

"Hi Loic,

Thanks for your kind inquiry.

Sorry, the speed unit is not KM/H, our protocol is wrong, it's Nautical mile, you can transfer it to MPH or KM/HH.

Looking forward to your kind reply at your earliest convenience.

Best regards
Suke Xu
Sales Manager"

Would you please fix this on server side to have the good value displayed in the interface ?


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What protocol is it?

Loic 5 years ago

This is the VJOY tracker protocol quite different than the TK103 protocol you recommanded for this device.

Please find the protocol below :



Loic 5 years ago

For my devices i am using TK103 protocol port 5002. It works well but vjoy devices send the speed in nautical miles so the speed displayed in the interface is wrong

2020-08-22 11:56:38 DEBUG: [A760AAE3: 5002 <] HEX: (864768010089024,ZC07,220820,A,5042.26514N,00307.21648E,53.665,095632,202.62)(864768010089024,ZC20,220820,095630,6,399,65535,255) 


Loic 5 years ago

the good link to the picture of the displayed speed


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Speed units are already configurable for TK103 protocol.

Loic 5 years ago

i agree with that but the vjoy protocol for vjoy devices is quite different . I think that for tk103 protocol speed is in mph or km/h isn't it ?

for vjoy protocol it s in nautical miles. Is there a way to convert the speed data in nautical miles coming from VJOY devices in km h ?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Yes, as I said, it's configurable.

Loic 5 years ago

thank you Anton

i have added this line in my traccar.xml

<entry key='tk103.speed'>nb</entry>

maybe it can solve my need

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What is nb?

Loic 5 years ago

it's knot (symbol kn, kt or nd i wikipedia )maybe my syntax is not good.

i have found this post :


but vjoy devices send their speed unit in knot (nautical miles) according to the pevious post with the mail from sales manager of vjoy factory.

Loic 5 years ago

i have found the good syntax in a previous post

so i edited my traccar.xml like this

<entry key='tk103.speed'>kn</entry>