Looking for SQL statement help on trackar DB (paid)

Marcin5 years ago

Hello for external use of my data i need last 50 hour entries. That works with:

SELECT t.id, t.`deviceid` as IMEI, r.Datum , t.`latitude`, t.`longitude`, t.speed FROM ( SELECT `deviceid`, MAX(`servertime`) as Datum FROM test.tc_positions WHERE `servertime` > DATE_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL 50 hour) GROUP BY `deviceid` ) r INNER JOIN test.tc_positions t ON t.`deviceid` = r.`deviceid` AND t.`servertime` = r.Datum

BUT i want the output with

  1. additionaly all Trailers (older then 50h) that could be done with "OR where tc_devices.name like Trail%"
  2. also i want them to limit to tc_devices.groupid >3
  3. i would like to have tc_devices.name in the output instead of tc_positions.deviceid

Because most is from the other table (tc_devices instead tc_psoitions) mysql skill isnt high enough doing this.

Is the somebody who can do that at 25€ (paypal) ?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Just a reminder that we don't allow sharing any personal contacts on the forum.

Marcin5 years ago

Ok, Thank you. I dont knew that.
But the paypal Adress could be sent via privat Message?

I know you are able doing that SQL but not at this course, correct?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

There are no private messages on this forum. If you want to discuss something, do it publicly. Alternatively there is official paid Traccar support.

Marcin5 years ago

Do you think (with price background) i shall start a support qiestion? ;)