Telegram notification

xrak en5 years ago

Struggled for a while but got it to work and documenting here for anyone else looking for a working config. This works for me in traccar.xml (note the "-" before ChatId):

<entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,telegram</entry>
<entry key='notificator.Telegram.key'>BotApiKey</entry>
<entry key='notificator.Telegram.chatId'>-ChatId</entry>

If you are having issues make sure this works.

curl -s -X POST<TOKEN>/sendMessage -d chat_id=<CHAT_ID> -d text="Testing 1 2 3"

I'm running Traccar version 4.8 in a docker container.

Przemyslaw4 years ago

Hello, I try that but don't work. When I check Your curl command it says:
-bash: "my bot TOKEN": No such file or directory