Frequency / Distance / Angle

Aidan Cox7 years ago

Even better!
Just used that, don't look like i'll really need much more than that.

I guess the password is defined a couple lines above? better change that!

Is there any other things/tools etc that are built in that i might not be aware of?
I feel like i have browsed a lot of the support section and feel like i've missed some pretty handy things (Like the console)

Thanks, you've been so helpfull

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Make sure to disable database console after you finish editing because it offers unprotected direct access to the database. It's there mostly for development and debugging.

Aidan Cox7 years ago

Will do,
Thanks for all your assistance.

Aidan Cox7 years ago

Just switched over to a SQL database, personal preference, and more so used to sql commands and the phpMyAdmin etc.
I must say though, credit where due, i am impressed how quickly it configured it self etc once updating the config to sql settings.

Very impressed.

OverkillTASF7 years ago

In this vein... If freq is 10 minutes and distance / angle settings are enabled, does traccar keep a GPS fix the whole time in order to watch for movement?

gonza_cid6 years ago

Hi, about this configuration, 0 means disabled or always?

shadez6 years ago

Hi Anton,
where in the traccar database we can see angle of the vehicle? I would assume it will be in positions table but I don't see a field called ANGLE.


gonza_cid6 years ago

I think angle like a value is not stored, but positions table contains course field that indicates de orientation, so it's possible to extract the angle between two positions.

shadez6 years ago

Thanks, but I am looking for angle of the vehicle horizontally(inclines/declines) rather then orientation as we have fuel sensors and need to check the angle of the fuel tank. I hope that makes sense.

Is there some setting that can be used to enable angle? I know the tracking device is sending the angle of the tracking device and not just orientation.

gonza_cid6 years ago

OK, sorry but I understand vertial angle :(... In that case I suppose it should be stored like an optional attribute under attributes field.

cageythree5 years ago

Hey, sorry to dig in this old thread but it adds right to that topic.

Above you said

Logic is

if time from last report > frequency
or if distance from last report > distance
or if angle difference from last report > angle
then report current location to the server

Thus, the setting affects how often the data is being synced.
Further down, you said

Angle is useful to get better track quality on the map. Every time you turn on an intersection you will get a new point, so route line from historical report will follow the road instead of cutting corners.

Which implies to me that the setting affects how often location is updated.

Now what exactly do these options affect - the frequency of location updates or the frequency of location being sent to the server? Or both, i.e. it always reports to the server when the location is updated?
I always assumed it only affects how often data is being synced to the server while location updates remain to be as frequent as possible. I assumed that because "update location every X meters" doesn't make sense to me as the device doesn't know the distance before it updates the location in the first place.

I personally want to minimize battery consumption by decreasing how often data is being synced (would that even minimizes battery consumption?) but still want to have precise location tracks.
I've turned down the mentioned setting, assuming it just decreases the amount of syncs, and it already improved battery life a lot, but if it means a less precise location histoy I'll turn it up again.

Thanks in advance for any replies for clarification.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Location is always sent to the server when it's updated, unless there is a network issue, in which case it's buffered.

If you enable distance or angle, it will likely increase battery usage because to detect those events GPS has to be ON all the time.

cageythree5 years ago

Oh okay, thanks for clarifying!

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I'm a bit confused. Are you asking about Traccar Client or the server API?