Push notifications on iOS

Lykourgos5 years ago

Hi, i cant get push notifications to work on ios.
I got it to work normaly on android, so the problem must be from the app side. I compiled the app following the instructions on firebase and enabled all notifications on the iphone but still nothing.
I also tried the traccar app directly from the app store and i dont get any notifications on it, are push notifications enabled on the store app ?
If the problem is not from the app itself, any ideas or tips on what the problem might be ?

Thanks for your time.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Have you added Apple key to your Firebase console?

Lykourgos5 years ago

Yes i have, i have also set the build variant to Google.

Lykourgos5 years ago

There is something else i noticed, in AppDelegate.swift in line 37 it says "#if FIREBASE". If i am not mistaken the code within the if is run if FIREBASE build variant is selected, but there is no FIREBASE build variant only Debug, Google and Release.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It is enabled for "Google" variant.