4.9 server no longer working with Xubuntu / Lubuntu 20.02 ?

Bob 5 years ago

Hi Guys

sad to report that after months of stable operation on 18.04 server
(no gui) I have just upgraded to Xubuntu desktop as i need other tracking
apps to run that require a desktop in parallel, and traccar is no longer functional

  • I can only add devices and see them as "admin"
  • I can create a user, give them admin rights logout - login , add device - security exception! - logged out
  • Constant "web socket timeout" errors
  • Login to the modern interface as an admin, click plus , add name, add device IMEI, click SAVE , grey-blue , nothing happens

sadly the same is true of Lubuntu here as well.

both installs running as install from new. fully updated, traccar installed from sudo ./traccar.run

any fixes please ?



Anton Tananaev5 years ago

First of all, do you mean 20.04? I don't think there's 20.02 version.

Anyway, I don't think it has anything to do with your operating system. That's something with your specific setup or configuration.

We have several servers on Ubuntu 20.04 and they work just fine.

Anders Yuran5 years ago

I also have one on Ubuntu 20.04. But xubuntu is not the same as ubuntu so perhaps there is a difference.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

The biggest, if not the only, difference is the UI interface. So, it should make no difference for a service.

Anders Yuran5 years ago

Well if you read tests there is more differences. But what do I know. I only run servers without UI

Bob 5 years ago


firstly - apologies - 20.04 not 02 - typing with BIG thumbs on a small android phone ! :-)

Understood that you have 20.04 running - multiple instances - I accept that - until I added a GUI based distro , so did I !

I agree Anton - it should make no issue for a service , but I've tried it on two 64 bit distros - same results.

So in the name of helping others and in the spirit of open source, I have:

uninstalled Traccar from my server using the "debian" method elsewhere in the forum:

sudo systemctl stop traccar.service
sudo systemctl disable traccar.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/traccar.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo rm -R /opt/traccar

and am now stepping backwards through the installers...4.9, 4.8 and so on..., to try and
see if the issues I experienced came in with a particular build of Traccar.

to be clear - I have installed a completely fresh 20.04 Xubuntu / Lubuntu distro each time from the 64 bit ISO directly
to an esxi host.

the only actions taken post install are:

set the IP
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
wget the traccar zip
unzip traccar zip
sudo ./traccar.run

so I don't believe the execution environment could be any simpler

I will post my findings after Ive been through - hope someone finds this useful



Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I think instead of trying different versions, you should really look deeper and see what the root cause of the problem is. I'm assuming you already checked logs before creating this thread, right? Anything useful there?

Bob 5 years ago

My immediate priority was to get the system back online - Which I am pleased to share I have now done.

Fortunately I only had to go back to 4.8 to achieve stability - everything up to that was also stable - I tested back to 4.4

now the pressures off I can clone the machine , uninstall traccar 4.8 - re install 4.9 and start looking at logs etc