Queclink GMT200

Sandor Mikus6 years ago

Finally i figured out how GMT200 can be used with port 5004. The key is to disable SACK. If you need config just send a message.
protocol version 420504, sw version A05V13.

Sandor Mikus6 years ago

now finally i found the logic how to program the device for bike.
movement wake up and ignition, remote programming...

Sandor Mikus5 years ago

Still got issue with gmt200 speed data:
Can anyone help me out?

2020-07-12 18:19:05  INFO: [b113976b: gl200 <] HEX: 2b4556541a00fe1fff005f4205040601676d7432303000006433bf0001110c010100000000008e00a70125505102d4eb1307e4070c1013020216007000732ffc00000000000000000000000000000000000007e4070c121304fd9bdde90d0a
2020-07-12 18:19:05  WARN: Failed to store position - Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '0112-03-26 03:12:00.0' for column 'devicetime' at row 1 - MysqlDataTruncation (... < QueryBuilder:480 < DataManager:458 < DefaultDataHandler:40 < ...)
2020-07-12 18:19:05  INFO: [b113976b] id: 7452740717273677824, time: 0112-03-26 04:12:00, lat: 318.89871, lon: -469.30021, speed: 284212.7, course: 54507.0
cibergesa year ago

good, does anyone want the gmt200_manage tool to share?