Bad Migration

lfiallos5 years ago

Hi there,

My server crash with a version 4.0
So i reinstall the with version 4.9 and i insert the data to DB table by table, i can login with admin user but with normal one its show me this error:

Unknown account - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:253 < *:441 < SessionResource:104 < ...)

any knows why is this happened if the DB has the same information ? does the application keep some information about users on files or just in the DB ?

Anders Yuran5 years ago

Why just not point it to your exiśting db?

lfiallos5 years ago

When i made the backup, it was created by separate tables, so with the new installation i just insert the data using the insert into statement. but it seem that the app keeps information in the application. because when i create a new user i can login without any problem, so with old users in the table: tc_users is the problem.