[Poll] New web app features

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What features do you need to fully switch from the old to the new web app? We are trying to prioritize features.

Also please provide a brief description of your use case.

Thank you

URLEY REY5 years ago

Generate automatic commands when receiving a specific event.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Such functionality doesn't exist in the old web app. To clarify, I want to decide which features need to be migrated first.

URLEY REY5 years ago

Commands, geofences, notifications.

Lukasz5 years ago

For me, the most important are reports in www and Excel and State of devices (e.g. power, ignition, etc.). Second: notifications and geofences.


Lukasz5 years ago

I could no longer edit my previous comment, but I noticed in the EDGE browser this :



bcavaco5 years ago

Hi Anton,

I appreciate your help and your need to prioritize.

For my use case It is:

  1. status of device and info about if it's stopped running and such info
  2. Then reports like you've in old version
  3. We don't need all configs because we just use cases like 'where is my devices now', check reports and get aknowledge when devices enter or exit geofences created through API.

And that's it. Assuming, that webhooks is still working ...


Dafydd5 years ago

If its for client facing side .my priorities would be . device icons / status, groups kml overlay with background images. an easier way to display a group of devices would be nice for clients . ie sales reps / managers in different groups and an easy way to switch between.
ie lets introduce users slowly this way it can be pretty if up on the wall. and they can go back to old interface for working reports admin etc.


laudarch5 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thank you for this post, I was wondering where I can make some suggestions, here are my suggestions

  1. Use Netty instead of Jetty
  2. Services should be segregated
    a. Service to collect data from devices should be a standalone app
    b. WebUI Service should be standalone
    c. API should be standalone

This way one can use it for large scale usage, am currently using it for a large project with thousands of devices and I see that every now and then
the server hangs, no one can connect to the webUI and the collection of device Data just doesn't work. We are forced to run a restart several times
a day.

I am ready to join the dev team if you consider this model.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

laudarch I'm happy to discuss it separately, but not in this topic. This is purely about UI.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Lukasz, please report the Edge bug as a separate thread or an issue on GitHub.

laudarch5 years ago


Han Wer5 years ago

For the beginning I would prioritize:

  1. Status
  2. Reports

BTW: The modern app looks fresh, I like it.

henry beltran5 years ago

Status, Reports, Geofence, Notifications, icons, layers kml

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

A follow up question about reports, what's the preference in the of the format:

  1. Need only web reports
  2. Need only Excel reports
  3. Need both