Unable to indentify the protocol

Himanshu5 years ago

Dear Anton
I am unable to identify the protocol of this device. It look very similar to EELink (Because Start bit on both protocol is 0x67) but not working. The protocol document is as below

Kindly help please.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I think eelink should be the right protocol.

Himanshu5 years ago

I think the device is not getting expected reply from server. Device connect with the server with login packet and then server is sending some data but it is not what the device expect. As device is not getting correct reply so it is not sending location data. The log is as below:

2020-07-02 21:23:50  INFO: [a24aa19a: eelink <] HEX: 6767070006000b0076035d
2020-07-02 21:23:50  INFO: [a24aa19a: eelink >] HEX: 6767070002000b
2020-07-02 21:25:50  INFO: [a24aa19a: eelink <] HEX: 6767070006000c0076035d
2020-07-02 21:25:50  INFO: [a24aa19a: eelink >] HEX: 6767070002000c
Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It looks like heartbeat data.

Himanshu5 years ago

Thanks for your help. The issue is resolved. There was some signal issue with the device. I am sorry to bother you.