G02D from AliEx + ignition status not working

p335 years ago

Hello, I have device GT02D. It works for me on port 5002 with protocol tk103. Traccar shows on the left pannel ignition still status YES.

I see this in the log:

Ignition OFF (on green cable 0V)

2020-06-30 13:00:56  INFO: [dcb39510: tk103 <] HEX: 28303238303432343033353137425a30302c3233302c3030312c31343431382c32353636342c31343431382c32353636352c31343431382c32353037382c31343431382c34343537372c31343431382c32313736312c31343431382c32393637352c303030303031303129

Ignition ON (on green cable 12V)

2020-06-30 13:01:02  INFO: [dcb39510: tk103 <] HEX: 28303238303432343033353137425a30302c3233302c3030312c31343431382c32353636342c31343431382c32353636352c31343431382c34343537372c31343431382c32353037382c31343431382c32313736312c303130303031303129

What can I do please?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Protocol documentation?

p335 years ago

Sorry, but I am common user.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It doesn't really explain what stops you from requesting the documentation from your device vendor.

p335 years ago

You're right, but I thought this device is widely used and known. Ok, I wrote to the seller on Ali. The answer was very fast: sorry my friend, we only have a user manual...

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

That won't be enough, unfortunately. We need protocol documentation.

p335 years ago

And this is not a protocol tk103? Positioning works.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It probably is one a million variations of TK103. That's why we need documentation for your specific device.

p335 years ago

OK, I am understand. Thanks.

p335 years ago

Here Is protocol. I hope is it right. Thank you.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Looks similar, but unfortunately it doesn't have documentation for the BZ00 message type that you have provided as samples.

p335 years ago

I see that BZ00 is also mentioned in a 3-year-old thread...:(

My device info: GT02D-TK006-HS-SLW-JLX_V2.5

p335 years ago

BZ00 is described on page 19 but not correspond with Ignition status. Now I'm not sure if I'm simulating ignition correctly by connecting the green cable (from GPS device) to 12V.