Group Command Api

alen salk6 years ago

Could someone tell me how can I add command to group via API? I've been able to add coomands and groups, but how to add command to group?

alen salk6 years ago

Never mind, I found out... It's done via permission call

Enrique Luis 5 years ago

Hi alen salk. I am trying to do the same but I cannot create groups with the API. Can you post an example please?
Already very grateful.
Best regards

alen salk5 years ago

I'm using c# and swagger which generates client for c#

and this is my code when you add command in specific group

var newPermission = await TrackRepository.Permission_Post(new Permission()
                                        GroupId = TrackingGroup.Id,
                                        CommandId = item.Id

and this is for delete

 await TrackRepository.Permission_Delete(new Permission()
                                        GroupId = TrackingGroup.Id,
                                        CommandId = item.Id

I hope it helps, it's very simple