Hi Anton, nothing in console. It's just strange.
Hi all. Suddenly I experience that Device Icons are gone!
In order to show them in e.g. Chrome I have to use Name Filter (under Devices) then Refresh page (F5) before I can see icons.
As soon I clear the Filter all icons are gone and refresh do not help.
In Firefox is even worse. Sometimes Filter/Refresh do not help at all and clicking the Device (Devices Pane) do not fire any event. Does anyone know what is the problem?
I think it has to be something with the CSS/Font (Firefox) but that is loaded in Chrome and still I have this issue.
Thanks in advance.
The only ting i can see is the 403 Access Denied for this CSS file https://cdn.traccar.com/js/ol/6.2.1/src/ol/ol.css so It says Source Mapping is disabled (defined in "ol.css.map").
If Directly typed then the response is:
In Firefox there are some other issues with downloading the Font etc. but the WorkAround is the same with Filtering Name and then Refresh.
The last symptom I noticed is when Using /?locale=XX then it loads everything but not showing the map regardless of the type (Bing, Google, etc.).
What version of Traccar are you using?
Hi Anton, INFO: Version: 4.7-SNAPSHOT
Version 4.7 (web app) doesn't use Traccar CDN.
And URL is invalid. It doesn't look like you are using an official version of Traccar.
Anton, it's a version custom provided by Traccar (TT-00182 & TT-00188).
If the issue is with a customization that we made, you should reply to a corresponding email thread.
Hi Anton, i did ca. 6 Hours ago. Can you take a look
Hi Anton, it was one position record that caused the issue of not loading Icons. The reason, latitude was 120.4600942.
I would recommend checking browser console for errors.