Change login from email/password to username/password

Matthias Hübner5 years ago

Is there a possibility to change from email/password to username/password login?

Juliano5 years ago

Possibility exists, however, you will have to change many files for this to work.

Erick Hernandez5 years ago

Open /conf/traccar.xml and add or modify:

    <entry key='database.loginUser'>
        SELECT * FROM tc_users
        WHERE email = :email OR login = :email


    <entry key='database.loginUser'>
        SELECT * FROM tc_users
        WHERE login = :email
Matthias Hübner5 years ago

Hi Erick,

thank you for your hint. It realy seems to be a good idea to use column login of tc_users table. Unfortunately this column is not editable via the users screen. I will try name = :email so login will be possible via Username/Passwort.