Using Event Number as Trigger for Ignition On and Off

Pablos5 years ago

Hi Anton,
I have similar situation as above:
I park my car in underground garage, so Tracker looses connection and Ignition is wrongly stays at "ON" for all the night. Due to this, calculated hours are wrong.
I would like to set Computed Attributes in a way when "Status" changes to "Unavailable" or "Offline" --> Ignition will change to "OFF"
I used:
event ? event == 2 ? true : null : null
but it is not working in my case. Test shows "no content" message.


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I don't see where you set it to off.

Pablos5 years ago

Now I see that I probably checks wrong variable. I would like to check variable which is connected to "device status" (not "state status") and checks whenever it states "offline".
In other words I would like to have something like this:
device-status == "Offline" ? off : null
But I could not find variable connected with "device-status" in documentation.

Or maybe can I achieve this using events? But also don't know which event is equivalent of "device-status" == "Offline"

Anton could you give any tip for that?


jonathan5 years ago

Hi. Can somebody help me. I have the MEITRACK T366G and I have the problem that traccar does not detect the ignition of the vehicle. Have I already used the attribute "event ? event == 2 ? true : null : null" but it only changes state to on for a few seconds and again returns as a switched off vehicle.

vk3vcs5 years ago

Discription: Ignition On
Attribute: ignition
event ? event == 2 ? true : null : null

Discripton: Ignition Off
Attribute: ignition
event ? event == 10 ? false : null : null

This should work. Just need to setup the notifications.

Hope that helps

Udo9 months ago

I use the LMU30G600 in various cars. The ignition is recognized in Audi and Porsche, but not in the Ford KA. Using the calculation as described above gives the same result "it only changes state to on for a few seconds and again returns as a switched off vehicle."

any hints?