Hey Frank, what exactly is the model you are using? I am trying some ZX612 and they don't seem to work. What's your settings?
Hi Dan, yes I am also using ZX612 - it submits "batteryLevel=13" as an example... this works, so battery has 13% left.
I didn't figure out how to send an email if batteyLevel <20... please let me know if you had success, thx!
The Computed Attribute seems to work now..
Attribute: Alarm
Expression: batteryLevel < 62 ? "lowBattery" : null
Type: String
Output Info: "lowBattery"
But the Notification is not working, I will not get an Information on Web, Mail if the battery level is beyond 62%.
Notification is enabled.
What am I doing wrong?
Many thx for your help...!
Hey Frank, it is working here now for both mail and popup. I have used the same computed attribute.
I have then added a notification Type "Alarm", Alarms "Low Battery" and Channels "Web" and "Mail".
Don't forget to activate both for the device you want it working on!
I have added mail-configuration by adding appropriate attributes to the user:
It seems that an event is only triggered once, even if the attribute keeps being true. Not sure why...
And somehow I keep getting a "Attribute computation error" but it seems to work anyway. The logfile says:
WARN: Attribute computation error - org.traccar.handler.ComputedAttributesHandler.computeAttribute@102![0,12]:
'batteryLevel < 58? 'lowBattery' : null;' undefined variable batteryLevel - Variable (... < ComputedAttributesHandler:102
< *:113 < BaseDataHandler:27 < ... < *:29 < ... < *:29 < ... < *:29 < ... < *:29 < ... < ExtendedObjectDecoder:64 < ...)
Attribute batteryLevel
is missing.
Yeah, this is what the message says, I can read.
I thought this is a Traccar system attribute which can be used in expressions ... if not - how come this still works?
It can be used if it's present in the message. I guess it works because some messages have it.
What's the name of the attribute in the State window showing the battery level? Can it be used in expressions?
That is the name.
You say the name is "batteryLevel". But the log says that it's undefined. Still the value is shown in status windows. And the expression somehow works. You say it's missing the attribute "batteryLevel". What am I getting wrong here? Come on Anton, please be a bit more helpful.
Please read my previous comment more carefully. But that's just a guess because you haven't really provided enough information to verify it.
It seems it is not just me having diffculties understanding how to achieve rather simple things. Could you please give a full example how to do this:
A computed attribute that checks the battery level of the device and raises a notification when the level drops below a given value (e.g. 50). Everyone could learn from such a simple example instead of trying around, asking stupid questions over and over again. I can imagine you are annoyed of answering these questions. Please help.
Thank you.
I would use something like this:
batteryLevel ? (batteryLevel < 62 ? "lowBattery" : null) : null
Unfortunately no success here - LowBattery is not working; no notification at all.
Other notifications are working propertly (e.g. Device Online / Offline). Is there somewhere a logfile where I can get more information?
Computed Attribute seems to work...
Server and Tracker work fine with the Topin Protocol (which I missed 1 year ago --> many thanks for this support!!).
How can I read out the correct battery level (protocol says "0x13 status package") and send a notification if e.g. battery level is <20%?
I was not successful reading out the battery level since now. Many thanks!