Yes correct!
OK, but with "apt-get install default-jdk" i get version 11, will this work to? or do i need specialy 8 v 241
Try it.
I am using that. Works fine.
Cool. Working fine with 11.
And for newbies like me: "systemctl daemon-reload"
How do you force the Traccar server to work with the java version on the server?
Please read the first page
TRACCAR on Raspberry Pi [Debian 9.9] with Telegram Notification
I'm running Traccar on a Windows 2019 Server as a service. Is there anyone who can help me solving this problem (WARN: Telegram API error - Received fatal alert: handshake_failure - SSLHandshakeException (...)
) by writing a step-by-step script?
I already installed Java, how can I make Traccar to work with that?
Install Java for windws repositories
Navigate to the service, then modify the image name to reflect the new path
As always, make a backup of the system PRIOR.
C:\Program Files\Traccar\jre\bin\java.exe -Duser.dir="C:\Program Files\Traccar" -jar "C:\Program Files\Traccar\tracker-server.jar" --service ".\conf\traccar.xml"
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_241\bin\java.exe -Duser.dir="C:\Program Files\Traccar" -jar "C:\Program Files\Traccar\tracker-server.jar" --service ".\conf\traccar.xml"
Many thanks shyy. This is working for me.
However, this is working as long as Java is not updated and its map-name is altered. You know if there is coming a permanent fix for this problem?
Jst looking in forum for news and saw this thread. Then my log and then mention that i dont get a traccar message since yesterday.
So: Same problem here.
So if i understood correct: I have to disable the withcoming Java, install new 8 v 241 and map it to start in systemd.