Traccar server RAM optimization

masterkitano5 years ago

Hello guys, I have an EC2 server with 16GB ram and 4 cores (ubuntu linux). Running 600 devices. Everything works fine, the only thing is so far it has consumed more than 10 GB only for those 600 devices. Is this large ram consumption normal? I've seen in the documentation and forums , traccar supports thousands of devices. But I would like what would be the average of max devices this server with the current specs, could support? Devices are being updated every 3 minutes. Positions are being stored for 90 days only. DB is MySQL. Thanks!

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Java reserves memory, so even though it shows as "consumed", it might actually be free.

masterkitano5 years ago

Ok ok get it thank you Anton!. And in your experience is there a way to estimate how many resource would we need while we scale? I'm trying to make a budget. I know this might be kind off random or vague, but would help to know with this server, in your experience, how much devices should support? (this is a dedicated server only for traccar).